Archive | December, 2011

Coming back from it all…

18 Dec

One of the hardest parts of Vulvodynia that I have struggled to come to terms with is the overarching feeling of a loss of power and control over my life, my health and my future. The first year before I was diagnosed with Vulvodynia I was in a terrible relationship with someone I like to refer to as a man-child. I was blamed and scorned for my pelvic pain and often accused of lying.

When I was finally diagnosed- I was without healthcare, as I have been much of my life and not sure what to do next. For the next 2-½ years I struggled with the fear of dating again and getting accused of lying or scorned for my condition. I felt like I lost all my options and it was one more layer of hopelessness to the existing challenge of growing up in a stunted and abusive family and never having a voice.

Doctors who “say” they treat Vulvodynia are often a nightmare and add one more layer of crap to the pile- however, when I found the Sexual and Pelvic Health Institute- it all changed.

My first appointment was lengthy where we went through the official diagnosis, perinometry reading and skin examination. Get this- they didn’t stick a speculum up me- wanna know why??? Because my vagina has nothing to do with Vulvodynia- it’s about the vulva!!! Yeah, wish other doctors knew that.

Anyways, during this first visit my doctor gave me a hand mirror and she said, “I want you to see what I see when I explain it to you…”

I said, “no way! This is awkward!”

She told me, “ There is no way you will be my patient if you do not do this- you have to learn to stop disassociating with the pain. You have to come back from it!”

From then on- I have been a faithful patient and always happy to go to my visits because I know no matter how I feel or what my day is like- she will remind me that the struggle is worth it and it will be ok.

I had an appointment this past Wednesday and it just so happened that a physician from the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota was shadowing her for the week in order to learn from the Institute. The Pelvic Health Institute is an innovative practice that not only compounds medicines you can never dream of- but they take their time to explain and educate all of their patients. Every visit my doctor and I discuss where I am, where should I be heading and what we both think are ways to get there.

On this particular visit she was explaining to me a cream that we might try in a few months. This cream was discontinued for a long time, not because of it’s lack of efficacy but because of the symptoms associated with it. Supposedly, women with Vulvodynia and also burn victims have a build up of P Substance in the inflamed areas that are toxic substances created due to inflammation and sickness. The cream serves as a treatment to remove the P Substance from the skin. My institute brought this treatment back to life and 81 other clinics followed. My doctor explained to me- “clinics criticize us constantly because the cream causes burning during the application and treatment.” Other doctors say, “ Why would you cause more burning for these women”.

The funny thing was- she didn’t even have to tell me. Because I know, the true path to control and empowerment of patients living with chronic pain is not to protect us from the hard things but to treat us and teach us how to gain control and live a healthy life.

Philly- a major hub for women with Vulvodynia…

14 Dec

It’s been close to 2 years since I moved to Philadelphia from the south. Of all the cities for me to move to I am constantly shocked by the amount of specialists and support for women with Vulvodynia and chronic pain conditions.

A quick run down:

  •  There are over 200 sex therapists in Philadelphia!!
  • There are dozens of physical therapy places that provide pelvic floor therapy- they are literally competing for people’s business!!!
  • Every study I read before moving north about Vulvodynia and new treatments came from Drexel and UPenn and Drexel has one of the top 5 specialists on Vulvodynia in the country!

Not to mention my favorite- the Drexel Pelvic and Sexual Health Institute!

I have been going to the institute for treatment for about a year and a half and in that time I have been entered into research studies and often receive strange and innovative treatments on a monthly or daily basis.

A few to date:

  1. Traumeel trigger point injections, which are shots in the pelvic floor muscles and vulva. Traumeel is most often used for sports injuries and inflammation, but I get it shot into my vag…
  2. Amitriptyline Cream- known as a TCA for depression but used as a topical cream to calm the nerve pains -I was totally worried that my vagina would get fat on this
  3. Neogyn- actually designed by a Swiss cosmetic company and serves as a regenerative cream, a.k.a. it will grow me a new vulva!!!
  4. The notorious Botox injections!!! Jersey Shore represent!

And I am sure many more to come…

Every lady part needs a Pal!!

1 Dec

When you read any website, pamphlet or book about Vulvodynia, a number 1 staple is an icepack.  Putting an icepack on it, and by it I mean your vagina- it helps to cool the inflammation and angry nerves associated with the condition.

As silly as it seems now, the first year I was struggling with Vulvodynia (and didn’t have a diagnosis) I soon learned that the only thing that made me feel better was to go home and lay in bed with an icepack. I was living with a partner at the time and remembered the shame and embarrassment I felt. How can I possibly explain the need to put an icepack on my vagina??? He already thinks I am nuts for this…

So over the last few years, these are some of the things I tried until I found the perfect icepack and yes, I mean perfect.



Ice in a bag

Ick, just drippy and cold


then came…


Succotash!!! (j/k didn't actually use this one)



Oh Gal-Pal, you are the one! But your name sucks!!


Get your own gal pal at