Archive | February, 2012

Fascinating what people search for…

4 Feb

Below is the stats for my blog highlighting all the search terms people entered and ended up stumbling upon my Vulvodynia Monoblog. Pretty fascinating and a little scary too.

My favorites are: wrinkles in my vagina, caught panty crotch and crotchless granny panti?!!

What are your favorites?

gyno chair
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pudendal emg
vulvodynia nerves
vulvodynia monoblog
“vulvar itching” “in public”
where does vulvodynia hurt
vulvodynia blogurl:
wrinkles in my vulva
free trial
electromyography vulvodynia
vagina drawing
pudendal nerve emg
an ode to vulvodynia
traumeel s vulvodynia
crotchless granny panti
caught panty crotch
pelvic floor trigger points injection
trigger point injection and traumeel
vulvodynia biofeedback
should i use neogyn cream every other night at first
circle where it hurts
neogyn not effective
vagina diagram head
diagram hot itchy skin night
muscle relaxant shot into pudendal nerve
botox vulvodynia
heal pelvic pain amy stein vulvodynia results
neogyn help
vagina diagram side
amalia bueno vigina monologue
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traumeel vulvodynia
i want my vegina wrinkle free
vagina muscles diagram
vulvadynia mono blog
after traumeel injection for vulvodynia it got worse
guided meditation groups for women with vulvodynia boston
hahnemann vulvodynia
botox pelvic floor months
amy stein vulvodynia
itch vagina at night
botox for vulvodynia
diagra of vagina
can you draw me a diagram of my vagina
vulvodynia and botox
2012 vulvodynia
emg botox pelvic floor