Walk like an 80 year old…

28 Jan

For most of my life I have reacted to pain in a similar way- I shake it off. Didn’t matter if it was a stubbed toe, to running into a wall or falling down. It never really phased me.

I have taken this thinking into my adult life and often end up with massive bruises that I don’t remember or know the cause of and other clumsy casualties. So, when I started having symptoms of Vulvodynia- it must have been extreme in order for me to feel and acknowledge the pain.

Yesterday, I got my monthly massage (which I started doing 6 months ago). It has been a good way to force myself to destress from work and do something good for myself. Most months I have come out of the session feeling amazing and relaxed. Yesterday, I just felt like an 80-year-old lady.

More than usual my hips and pelvic area were triggered and overwhelmed by overactive nerves and pain. Most of the time I am thinking- rub my back but this time I was thinking- rub my butt. It’s tough to acknowledge this as a 28 year old but the last 2 years of work and doctors galore has taken a major toll on my body. I am exhausted, constantly in pain and often anything I do- my nerves flare up and my body get’s angry.

What I am learning- is that I cannot just walk around shaking off every bruise and bump I have. Some periods of my life will be harder than others and I have to respect and acknowledge that. So here are some helpful things I learned to do:

Yoga stretches: happy baby, cobra and pigeon

Ice packs!


Crafts and books to take my mind off things

 Play with friends!

One Response to “Walk like an 80 year old…”

  1. Sam 8/1/2011 at 8:54-12:0003 #

    Pigeon and happy baby– my faves!

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